JavaScript Array Reference #1 — Quick Learn

Bayram EKER
3 min readOct 24, 2022


I am sharing a series of articles that will tell JavaScript topics quickly and fluently.

1-) concat()

The concat() method concatenates (joins) two or more arrays.

var newarray = ["birinci", "ikinci", "ucuncu"]
var oldArray = ["extra", "bosver", "kazanım"]
var children = newarray.concat(oldArray)

Output: [ ‘birinci’, ‘ikinci’, ‘ucuncu’, ‘extra’, ‘bosver’, ‘kazanım’ ]

2-) constructor

The constructor property returns the function that created the Array prototype.

var meyve = ["elma","armut","kayısı"]

Output: [Function: Array]

3-) copyWithin()

The copyWithin() method copies array elements to another position in the array.

array.copyWithin(target, start, end)
copyWithin(sol,sag) : sağdaki indisi soldaki indise kopyala
var meyve = ["elma","armut","kayısı"]

Output: [ ‘elma’, ‘elma’, ‘armut’ ]

4-) entries()

The entries() method returns an Array Iterator object with key/value pairs

The entries() method does not change the original array.

var meyve = ["elma","armut","kayısı","muz","kivi"]
var arrayIterator = meyve.entries();
for (var x of arrayIterator){

Output ->

[ 0, ‘elma’ ]
[ 1, ‘armut’ ]
[ 2, ‘kayısı’ ]
[ 3, ‘muz’ ]
[ 4, ‘kivi’ ]

5-) every()

The every() method executes a function for each array element.

The every() method returns true if the function returns true for all elements.

var yaslar = [19,17,24,45,66]
function yasKontrol(yas){
return yas > 18

Output : false

6-) fill()

The fill() method fills specified elements in an array with a value.


var meyve = ["elma","armut","kayısı","muz","kivi"]

Output : [ ‘ananas’, ‘ananas’, ‘ananas’, ‘ananas’, ‘ananas’ ]


var meyve = ["elma","armut","kayısı","muz","kivi"]
console.log(meyve.fill("ananas", 0, 3))

Output : [ ‘ananas’, ‘ananas’, ‘ananas’, ‘muz’, ‘kivi’ ]

7-) filter()

The filter() method creates a new array filled with elements that pass a test provided by a function.

var yaslar = [19,17,24,45,66]
function arrayFilter(yas){
if (yas > 18)
return yas

Output : [ 19, 24, 45, 66 ]

8-) find()

The find() method returns the value of the first element that passes a test.

var yaslar = [19,17,24,45,66]
function arrayFilter(yas){
if (yas > 18)
return yas

Output : [ 19, 24, 45, 66 ]

9-) forEach()

The forEach() method calls a function for each element in an array.

// Arrow function
forEach((element) => { /* … */ })
forEach((element, index) => { /* … */ })
forEach((element, index, array) => { /* … */ })

var meyve = ["elma","armut","kayısı","muz","kivi"]meyve.forEach(elements => console.log(elements))

Output :


10-) Array.from()

The Array.from() method returns an array from any object with a length property.

var textDeger = "ABCDEF"console.log(Array.from(textDeger))

Output : [ ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’, ‘E’, ‘F’ ]

11-) includes()

The includes() method returns true if an array contains a specified value.

var meyve = ["elma","armut","kayısı","muz","kivi"]console.log(meyve.indexOf("elma"))

Output : 0

12-) isArray()

The isArray() method returns true if an object is an array, otherwise false.

var meyve = ["elma","armut","kayısı","muz","kivi"]console.log(Array.isArray(meyve))

Output : true

13-) join()

The join() method returns an array as a string.

var meyve = ["elma","armut","kayısı","muz","kivi"]console.log(meyve.join())

Output : elma,armut,kayısı,muz,kivi

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