Java 21’s Record Patterns: A Modern Twist on Data Handling

Bayram EKER
3 min readDec 3, 2023


Unveiling the Power of Record Patterns in Java 21

Contextual Prelude: The Journey to Java 21 The narrative of Java has always been one of continuous evolution, and with Java 21, it takes a significant leap forward. This update introduces Record Patterns, a feature that’s more than just a new line in the language’s syntax; it’s a transformative approach to handling data structures.

Demystifying Records: Java’s Data Containers To fully grasp the essence of Record Patterns, let’s first unravel the concept of Records. Introduced back in Java 16, Records are essentially Java’s way of offering a concise, immutable data carrier. They automatically handle boilerplate code, making data aggregation a breeze.

// A simple Record for representing a point in 2D space
record Point(int x, int y) {}

The Evolution of Pattern Matching in Java

Before Java 21: A Tale of Type Checking In the pre-Java 21 era, pattern matching was predominantly about type checking and manual extraction. This often led to verbose and error-prone code, especially when dealing with complex data structures.

Java 21’s Game Changer: Record Patterns Enter Java 21, and the scene changes dramatically. Record Patterns introduce a more elegant way to deconstruct these Record objects. It’s not just about checking types anymore; it’s about directly accessing the data in a more intuitive manner.

if (obj instanceof Point(int x, int y)) {
// Access x and y directly, without casting

Digging Deeper: Nested Record Patterns

Simplifying Complex Structures Nested Record Patterns are the showstoppers in Java 21. They shine when you have Records within Records, turning what used to be a complex data extraction process into a streamlined experience.

Consider this example:

record Size(int width, int height) {}
record WindowFrame(Point origin, Size size) {}
// Traditional approach (pre-Java 21)
if (obj instanceof WindowFrame wf) {
if (wf.size() != null) {
int height = wf.size().height();
// Process height
// Java 21 approach
if (obj instanceof WindowFrame(Point origin, Size(int width, int height))) {
// Height is directly accessible, code is more concise

Embracing Type Inference Java 21 also embraces the convenience of type inference. By using var, you avoid repetitive type declarations, making your code not only cleaner but also more adaptable to changes.

if (obj instanceof Point(var x, var y)) {
// x and y are inferred, making the code cleaner

The Future is Bright: Unnamed Patterns

Previewing JEP 443: Simplification at Its Best With JEP 443, Java 21 introduces a preview feature that’s set to further simplify pattern matching. Unnamed patterns allow you to focus only on the components you need, reducing clutter in your code.

if (obj instanceof WindowFrame(_, Size(_, int height))) {
// The pattern focuses solely on the height, ignoring other components

Wrapping Up: Java 21’s Modern Approach to Data

A New Chapter in Java’s Story Record Patterns in Java 21 mark a significant milestone in the language’s journey. They align Java with modern programming practices, emphasizing clarity, conciseness, and efficiency. This feature is not just a new tool in your Java toolbox; it’s a paradigm shift in how you interact with data structures.

So, as Java continues to evolve, embracing these changes is key to writing cleaner, more efficient, and more readable code. Dive into Java 21’s Record Patterns, and experience a new way of managing data that’s both intuitive and powerful.

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